Mission Possible

Play2Learn Foundation
Community Gaming has donated over $250,000 to the Play2Learn Foundation (P2L), whose mission is to promote financial inclusion and technological literacy among young entrepreneurs, providing them with the education and resources necessary to navigate the emerging metaverse.
P2L aims to make a positive social impact by using video games and web3 educational programs. The Foundation is committed to elevating the philanthropic sector through cutting-edge gaming initiatives and web3 solutions.
P2L Foundation believes games have an incredible potential for transforming education, encouraging social cohesiveness, creating sustainable economies, and stimulating innovation. Games have been used successfully in various fields to achieve these goals – particularly in health care, economic development, and education.
Financial Inclusion: 1.7 billion people still have no bank account access. People in emerging economies have limited access to traditional financial services, but mobile phones connected to the internet have soared in popularity. Less than half of Adults in Indonesia (48.9%) and the Philippines (34.5%) have access to a bank account. Still, in both cases, those populations have over 67% of people using social media with an internet connection. Along with grants, the Foundation will launch several educational initiatives and social impact programs to promote financial inclusion and technological literacy among young gamers worldwide.
Gamer Grant Program: We’ve seen how impactful reaching out and supporting grassroots organizers can be. Many players desire to run their own community events but lack the resources to fund them and the financial services to facilitate payments efficiently. Our donations to the P2L Grants Program make resources available for existing organizers, regardless of size, and can be obtained by completing the Grant Application process (coming soon).
When grants are processed, tournament organizers will have additional funds for their tournament prize pool. The Play2Learn Foundation will supercharge its event with marketing support and help promote an inclusive educational experience. As more AAA-quality games come to market over the next 12 months, we want to help accelerate the transition to open game economies by encouraging technological and financial literacy.
There is something about PLAY
The cultural historian Johan Huizinga has a unique perspective on the origins of human culture. He believes that cultures first emerged in the form of play. Huizinga makes a compelling case for this, even though it may seem farfetched. He points out that the instinct to play pervades all human endeavors. We can see it in how we approach law, science, war, philosophy, and even the arts.
Through Huizinga’s eyes, humans emerge not as Homo sapiens, the man who knows, but primarily as Homo Ludens, the man who plays. By considering this perspective, we can gain a deeper understanding of who we are and where we came from. It also reminds us of the importance of play in our lives. Play is not just a child’s stuff; it is the stuff of life itself. Thanks to Huizinga, we can see that more clearly than ever before.
Huizinga’s insights into the role of play in human culture are as relevant today as they were when he first proposed them over half a century ago. In a world characterized by violence, conflict, and competition, it is easy to forget that play is a fundamental part of who we are as human beings. Play is not just something we do; it is part of our very nature. And, as Huizinga so eloquently reminds us, it is through play that cultures have continuously evolved. From minor everyday interactions to the grandest undertaking, play is at the heart of what it means to be human. So let us never forget the power of play. Through play, we come to understand who we are, and through play, we create the world in which we live.